PostgreSQL 9.2.4文書 | ||||
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リリース日: 2003-01-30
このリリースはバージョン 7.2.3 の不具合を改修したものです。 データ損失の可能性を防止するための改修も含まれています。
7.2.X からの移行の場合は ダンプ/リストアは必要ありません。
Fix some additional cases of VACUUM "No one parent tuple was found" error
Prevent VACUUM from being called inside a function (Bruce)
Ensure pg_clog updates are sync'd to disk before marking checkpoint complete
Avoid integer overflow during large hash joins
Make GROUP commands work when pg_group.grolist is large enough to be toasted
Fix errors in datetime tables; some timezone names weren't being recognized
Fix integer overflows in circle_poly(), path_encode(), path_add() (Neil)
Repair long-standing logic errors in lseg_eq(), lseg_ne(), lseg_center()