PostgreSQL Conference 2009 Japan 1st day programmes
[Program Details]
[Opening Keynote Session] Our Step-by-steps Footsteps during Ten Years
Hiroki Kataoka
Chairman, JPUG
- Time
- 10:10 - 10:40 (30 minutes)
- Abstract
It is my great pleasure to announce that the JPUG has recorded the tenth anniversary this year. It was really a turbulent decade for the IT world. The situation revolving around PostgreSQL has also been changed dramatically. At the time we established JPUG, a lot of SEs were not familiar with the word 'DBMS' as well as the word 'Open Source'. We started awareness campaign those days, step-by-step.
Time has changed, and PostgreSQL is one of the trusted selections to install RDBMS even in the mission critical and the enterprise environment. In this two days memorable conference, you will hear the history of our activities and its results, as well as the evolution of PostgreSQL all over the world including inside stories not well spoken yet.
I profoundly hope that everyone who considers installing RDBMS would feel familiarity with PostgreSQL as it has awfully been serious to every corner of this application.
[Keynote Lecture] PostgreSQL Synchronous Replication (Synch Rep)
Masao Fujii
NTT OSS Center
* material (PDF/475KB)
- Time
- 10:40 - 11:50 (70 minutes)
- Abstract
Synchronous Replication (Synch Rep) is under development at NTT OSS Center, which will be integrated into PostgreSQL main body.
It is publicly proposed to PostgreSQL community so as to make it in time to 8.5 release. Synch Rep employes the log shipping function. WAL archive (transaction log of PostgreSQL) is transfered to the standby server, and the standby server uses it for recovery to implement replication. Replication and transaction completion are synchronously performed.
This characterizes the function to prevent data loss when the database server is accidentaly broken down.This session covers these characteristics of Sync Rep, functions, archtecture, operation, and direction to the future. Demonstration is also provided.
- Profile
Working at NTT Open Source Software Center. After joining company, he has been in charge of performance tuning and customers service related to PostgreSQL as a database engineer.
He is an authority on XLOG related codes, and now he is developing Synch Rep to 8.5 release.
[Keynote Lecture] Hot Standby
Simon Riggs
2nd Quadrant Ltd
* material (PDF/475KB)
- Time
- 10:40 - 11:50 (70 minutes)
- Abstract
Discussion and demonstration of Hot Standby (HS) mode for PostgreSQL.
HS allows queries to be executed against a server during archive recovery. HS provides an important capability for replication, as well as additional control during a point-in-time-recovery of a damaged database. HS has twice been voted most anticipated new feature for PostgreSQL.
- Profile
Simon Riggs is a Major Developer of PostgreSQL, having contributed major features in the last 5 releases related to performance, replication and recovery.
Simon is a Database Architect with experience of performance-critical design for both OLTP and Data Warehouse systems in large Enterprises. He has a professional interest in database internals, having worked with many database systems throughout his career on behalf of both database vendors and purchasing companies/users.
Approach for promotion of utilizing PostgreSQL
Takahiro Yamauch
Open Source Software Department
Core Technology and Program Management Division
Toshikazu Yoshida
SE Department
Core Technology and Program Management Division
* material (PDF/584KB/Japanese)
- Time
- 13:00 - 13:50 (50 minutes)
- Abstract
NTT group is positively adopting open source software aiming at "Reduction of TCO".
NTT COMWARE has been focusing on the application of OSS to the telecom carrier systems for a decade, after the launch of linux center in 1999.
In this session, we would like to show our activity for the adoption of the OSS-DBMS, especially PostgreSQL,and also suggest the functions that seem to be necessary for being implemented when we apply PostgreSQL to larger systems from an SIer's point of view.
- Prifile
- Takahiro Yamauchi
I'm working for NTT Comware corporation as a systems engineer(specializing in OSS) mainly for NTT group's systems. I have deepened attainments to PostgreSQL since 2007. I'm engaged in wide works in systems development, such as system proposals, development supports, and troubleshootings.
And I have also been focusing on promotion of utilizing OSS through maintenance of internal know-how and documentations.
- Toshikazu Yoshida
I'm engaged in technical assistance and troubleshootings about database, mainly PostgreSQL and MySQL, for system development projects.
I have been supporting utilization of PostgreSQL, troubleshooting, creating design documents, verifying the performance comparison between various DBMS or different versions since PostgreSQL version 7.4.
- Takahiro Yamauchi
SuperSQL on PostgreSQL
- Retrospective view of Database Research and Education
in Keio Univeristy -
Motomichi Toyama, Chie Arizono, Kosuke Nakanishi, Taku yoshizawa
Department of Technology, Keio University
- Time
- 13:00 - 13:50 (50 minutes)
- Abstract
SuperSQL, which has been developed in Toyama laboratory, is the database publishing extension of SQL. Its first edition was developed on QUEL of Ingres 8.9 in 1991, then the development has been moved on to PostgreSQL. SuperSQL produces tree structured output in various media such as HTML, PDF, SWF, XML, LDAP and so on.
SuperSQL is used at the end of introductory database lecture using PosgreSQL, by students to create Web view in individual database projects.
In this talk, we introduce SuperSQL's background, syntax and examples of basic usages. In addition, the advanced features such as dynamic presentation in Flash, X3D, Ajax, and Web application generation extension will be presented.
- Profile
- Motomichi Toyama, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information and Computer Sciences at Keio university, Japan.
He recieved his BS, MS and Ph.D., all from Keio university in 1979, 1981 and 1991, respectively. He had been a visiting researcher at Oregon Ggraduate Institute in 1996-1997. He is a member of ACM and IEEE Computer Society.
- Chie Arizono
Currently attending the master's course at Keio University.
- Kosuke Nakanishi
Currently attending the master's course at Keio University.
- Taku Yoshizawa
Currently attending the master's course at Keio University.
- Motomichi Toyama, Ph.D.
PostgreSQL Scientific Application - Case Example -
SéPbastien CléPment
Biologist, Canadian Forest Service (Government of Canada)
* material (PDF/1.8MB)
- Time
- 14:00 - 14:25 (25 minutes)
- Abstract
In the context of the Arborea project, a leading group in tree genomics in Canada, we developed PostgreSQL databases to store information on the discovery of new genes and their potential link to wood quality traits.
One database, TreeSNPs, holds genomic (related to genes) data and the second, PhenoTree, is used to store phenotypic (observable traits) tree characterization data.
Formerly Access projects, the two databases were migrated to PostgreSQL on a Windows server and hold altogether approximately 4.5 Million records. They are being used by around 20 researchers from different institutions (universities, government research facilities), using a dedicated Rails web interface in one case, and PhpPgAdmin in the other. A brief demonstration of each database will be presented. - Profile
My field is forest genomics, and more specifically the study of the role of genes in wood formation and quality. As such, genomics projects generate everyday massive amounts of data in the form of gene sequences, sample identification and experimental results.
Hence, a part of my job consists of developing databases to store all these data and interact with other scientists to assess their needs for further development and data extraction.
My background is biology (B.Sc. U. of McGill) with further specialization in microbiology (M.Sc. U. of Montral), and my work has been mainly molecular biology and scientific databases for the past ten years.
Introduction to the service (ASP) case study with PostgreSQL
Motonobu Awai
Hitachi Software Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Solution Business Promotion Department Government,
Public Corporation & Social Systems Group
* material (PDF/315KB/Japanese)
- Time
- 14:00 - 14:25 (25 minutes)
- Abstract
An introduction to the service case study with PostgreSQL.
This service manages update of lecture for teaching credentials over the internet using the Application Service Provider(ASP) model. This system is implemented in Java, and formed by combining some open source frameworks and products.
- Profile
Motonobu Awai works as a Senior Consultant for Hitachi Software Engineering.
He has been transferred to this position, after several years of experience in software development, with the Mainframe System and the Open System. He has promoted the IT Solutions for Education and the start-up of new IT Services recently.
Case Study on SFA/CRM with PostgreSQL under SaaS for Enterprises
Shigemoto Fujikura
- Time
- 14:25 - 14:50 (25 minutes)
- Abstract
This session will cover a case study to the SaaS solution that achieves FSA/CRM for enterprises. It incluses tips to migrate Oracle based systems into PostgreSQL RDBMS, where scalability and performace are required against complexed structure of relations especially on SaaS platform.
- Profile
Chief Architect, SAN SAN, Inc.
How to make a reverse geocoding service
- A litter of PostGIS and Free data, and a little of knowledge on cartography -
National Agricultural Research Center for Western Region
* material (PDF/436KB/Japanese)
- Time
- 14:25 - 14:50 (25 minutes)
- Abstract
The reverse-geocoding service has been published.
If you request to it with the parameter latitude and lontitude which are points by a user or are got from GPS, it judges the placename of the place where the parameters point.
To construct it, PostGIS acts the important roles; The judgement function could be implemented by PostGIS builtin functions and spatial index, and PostGIS also processed the geospatial data used for judgement.
In addition, the development of it started on cheep knowledge on cargography and PostGIS. In this session, inside of it will be introduced with a little of knowledge on cartography, and how appriciable PostGIS is.
- Profile
- April, 2000 - National Agricultural Experiment Station
- April, 2001 - National Agricultural Research Center for Western Region
- In development of agricultural diary system with mobile, providing web service related to geospatial data and translation PostGIS online manual into Japanese.
Rapid Upgrades With Pg_Migrator
Bruce Momjian
* material (PDF/475KB)
- Time
- 15:00 - 15:25 (25 minutes)
- Abstract
Pg_Migrator allows data to be transfered between major Postgres versions without a dump/restore. This talk explains the internal workings of pg_migrator and includes a pg_migrator demonstration.
- Profile
Bruce Momjian is a co-founder of the PostgreSQL Global Development Group, and has worked on PostgreSQL since 1996.
He is the author of PostgreSQL: Introduction and Concepts, published by Addison-Wesley. Bruce is employed by EnterpriseDB. Previously, he was employed by SRA Japan and Great Bridge LLC, both PostgreSQL support companies. He has spoken at many international open-source conferences. Prior to his involvement with PostgreSQL, Bruce worked as a consultant, developing custom database applications for some of the world's largest law firms. Prior to this, he was a high school computer science teacher and holds a Masters in Education.
Running a large scale PostgreSQL hosting on the EC2 Cloud
Guy Naor
MorphLabs CTO
- Time
- 15:00 - 15:25 (25 minutes)
- Abstract
- We will discuss the design and implementation of a highly-available and cost effective hosted PostgreSQL on the Amazon EC2 cloud.
- Why PostgreSQL? Reliability, affordability, power
- Automated configurations with Puppet
- Warm backup
- Constant WAL based backup into S3
- DB provisioning
- Disaster recovery in real life
- Profile
- Large size software development experience
Founder CTO of Famundo (Web 2.0 CRM Application)
Architect of Goldmine software products (CRM Application)
Job scheduling in PostgreSQL with pgAgent
Dave Page
- Time
- 15:25 - 15:50 (25 minutes)
- Abstract
This talk will introduce pgAgent, a job scheduler for PostgreSQL which may be managed using pgAdmin.
- Profile
Dave has been actively involved in the PostgreSQL Project since 1998, as the lead developer of pgAdmin, maintainer of the PostgreSQL installers and one of the projects resident Windows hackers. He also serves on the project's web and sysadmin teams and is a member of the PostgreSQL Core Team.
Dave is employed by EnterpriseDB where he works as a software architect and developer on EnterpriseDB products in addition to his community PostgreSQL work.
"Maitore", a training space for iPhone/Mobile sites with PostgreSQL
Osamu Fukui
* material (PDF/7.1MB/Japanese)
- Time
- 15:25 - 15:50 (25 minutes)
- Abstract
Web applications users are growing steadily supported by the providers' fix rate for packet using. Smartpones in particular, the launche of Android and iPhone3GS gave a gread deal of leverage in expanding market share.
This session will cover the case example of WebDBSystem with PostgreSQL.
A training space, "Maitore" is designed to cultivate brain and maind during daily spare time. "Maitore" is something different from Twitter, SNS, or DS game "Noutore".
"Maitore" is the phrase training space for studens, businessmen and women, housekepers, and aged persons. Full-text search capability is achieved by the simple screen and operation. MySQL is generally popular for Ruby on Rails, but the speaker integrated Postgresql for the application, hoping to falimialize the world's most advanced Open Source database.
- Profile
Osamu Fukui was egaged in the steel plant systems, nuclear integrated plant systems, etc., during his tenure office of CSK.
From the control system platform, he moved into the DB related system platforms, such as educational materials distribution systems and customer management systems.
In March, 2006, he established "Distribution market matching navigation support system" for Kansai Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, using Ruby on Rails.
In April, 2009, he founded iRubySystems, and developed "Maitore" training space, which is now under operation. He also teaches Web systems and Ruby programming at The Graduate School of Digital Hollywood Co., Ltd. He is using PostgreSQL since 1999.
Visualizing Postgres
Michael Glaesemann
* material (PDF/789KB)
- Time
- 16:00 - 16:50 (50 minutes)
- Abstract
Postgres database, relation, and index statistics are constantly updated by the statistics collector, providing useful data through Postgres system views and functions. Additional information is updated by the ANALYZE process. By collecting this data over time, database administrators can better quantify the behavior of their database installation. In OLTP environments that have loads which vary with time, this data can be particularly useful in noting correlations between overall system performance (such as CPU idle and IOWait) and specific database objects (e.g., heap hits, index utilization, and locks on particular relations).
The raw collected data can be unwieldy on its own given its volume and time-related nature. By taking advantage of a simple web framework and Javascript functionality, one can more easily view the data and quickly see relationships between the various database objects and system performance. A simple example of a data-collecting and viewing application will be presented along with explanations of the various statistics gathered by Postgres and how they can be used to identify database server performance issues.
- Profile
Michael Glaesemann has been using Postgres since 2003, following the project closely and contributing when he can.
Michael is interested in relational theory in general and its implementation in Postgres. He provides, a public pasteboard for Postgres EXPLAIN output with highlighting of potential problem areas, as well as a neglected E.164 telephone number standard Postgres type on PgFoundry. He was hired as the first full-time DBA at in November 2007 where he's cut his teeth on scaling Postgres, riding herd over an ever-increasing number of Postgres servers. Data visualization has been a key component of managing the installation.
How PostgreSQL has been incorporated into mission-critical systems
Kiichiro Naka
SIOS Technology, Inc.
Open System Solution Department
OSS Tecjnology Division
* material (PDF/2.7MB/Japanese)
- Time
- 16:00 - 16:50 (50 minutes)
- Abstract
The OSS is much more common in a mission-critical enterprise system these days. However, a lot of commercial softwares are still taking role in the fields of database and applications servers. OSS is facing a barrier for 'one more push' to get over those situations.
Under those environment, however, SIOS thinks it important to propose the use of open source software in the fields of mission-critial applications to every customer, who could get aggressive IT management strategy with SIOS support.
In this session, a SIOS consultant in charge of the office systems will talk about the key on how mission-critical system is intentially incorporated the OSS under the such envirounment.